So You Want to Work in a Call Center
C all centers they are a dime a dozen here in the Philippines. Most people prefer to work in the call center industry or BPO, because of better salaries compare to other industries. The minimum wage in the Philippines since June 2016 is about Php 491/day or roughly Php 14,730 a month that already includes COLA or Cost of Living Allowance that is mandated by the government. But if you apply and get accepted in a call center or BPO Industry you can get as low as Php 20,500 a month which includes a base salary of Php 16,000 a month plus Php 2,000 meal allowance plus Php 2.500 rice allowance (can be more depends on the company. Not to mention cash incentives that the company may give to the employee depending on the account a part from the cast incentives there are gadgets, clothes and sometime motorcycles and cars. Compare that to any other Industries and you know it's a better deal. So you like what you read and determined to join the BPO work...